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Senee Vacharasiritham   


Mr. Senee has an extensive experience in IT audit, internal control, and risk management. During his career life, he had been working with Siam Commercial Bank PCL, in the field of technology and IT Audit for more than 30 years.

After a long service with Siam Commercial Bank PCL. Mr. Senee continues to pursue his interest in the field as a member of Audit Committee at Srisavarindhira Thai Red Cross Institute of Nursing and Board of Director and a consultant in two of the State Enterprises. Moreover, Mr. Senee was invited to be an Independent Director of Public Companies in Bangkok and Commercial Bank in Cambodia.

For a while, Mr. Senee served the ISACA Bangkok Chapter as the President for 2 terms (4 Years) and currently holds position of Vice Chairman-Education Affairs at the Institute of Internal Auditors of Thailand.

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